When considering how to decorate your patio, first you need to pick the suitable outdoor furniture and accessories, next will be deciding the location of items, then other small adjustments can be done efficiently.
1. Regards picking patio furniture, please refer to our article: How to choose patio furniture and enjoy outdoor living?
2. After the furniture are ready, lay the furniture from large to small size, the location of the sofa with many seats should be the first thing to decide, because not only this larger sofa will occupy the most floor space, but also you should keep 20" between the sofa and coffee table to stand up and walk away without hitting other sitters when moving. Unlike indoor, in the patio there is no TV, cabinet, floor lamp, wall and window to worry about, so you could lay the sofa anywhere, it can be the centerpiece of the patio, or hide under the shade of the house, the only limit is your imagination!
3. Everybody Loves The Sunshine! Remember to reserve some space for the outdoor chaise lounge, and its sidekick, the small coffee table for the some afternoon snack with a refreshing drink. The chaise lounge with thick cushion could provide fluffy and soft feeling, on the other hand, the reclining chaise lounge lets you choose the most comfortable angle, or take a nap with its back all way down.